Our first goal is simple:

To get the

Project Hessdalen Manifesto

The lights and crafts of Hessdalen represent unexplored scientific enigmas. Our mission is to unravel these mysteries and validate the testimonies of locals who have faithfully reported their sightings for decades.
Despite the valuable data captured by our 'Blue Box' system, further research and funding are needed. This exploration holds immense potential for understanding atmospheric physics, energy conversion, and electromagnetic interactions.
In an era of disinformation, the purity of Hessdalen's accounts stands unique. Our goal is not only to substantiate these sightings, but to prove beyond any doubt the existence of crafts controlled by non-human intelligence.
Join us in this journey. Help us secure the necessary resources to expand our explorations, deepen our knowledge, and potentially redefine humanity's place in the cosmos. Together, let's transform the Hessdalen phenomena from enigmatic anomalies to windows into the unknown.
Building a UFO (Midjourney)

Most compelling

reports of anomalous lights in Hessdalen

June 2023: Fred Pallesen, Vice President of Project Hessdalen
There are two kinds of anomalous phenomena in Hessdalen: the lights and the crafts.

The lights

The Hessdalen lights are well documented. Back in 1984, the field report was clear in its conclusion:
“we know that the phenomenon, whatever it is, can be measured.”
During the 18 days of this first field investigation - 53 observations where classified as anomalous light phenomena. Some was captured on a camera, while others were detected by radar and the magnetometer.
In 1998, an automatic surveillance system, dubbed the 'Blue Box,' was established to capture images and videos of these occurrences.
Reproducibility is a fundamental principle in scientific research, and the Blue Box has produced machine-based (or "objective") measurements - for 25 years.
Despite this, the available measurements are not yet sufficient to either substantiate or conclusively refute our hypothesis.
The researchers unanimously agree on the necessity for higher quality data to further understand these phenomena. However, it is certain that the Hessdalen lights are real, and Hessdalen itself remains a promising location for collecting additional measurements regarding this anomalous phenomenon.
The Hessdalen lights, although not yet fully comprehended, have the potential to provide new insights into atmospheric physics and other natural processes.
Certain measurements indicate that the Hessdalen light phenomena are highly energetic and involve complex physical processes.
By investigating the highly energetic nature of these phenomena, researchers can gain insights into more efficient energy conversion processes. They can also uncover novel aspects of physics and develop a deeper understanding of fundamental principles governing energy transfer, electromagnetic interactions, and plasma dynamics. Such discoveries have the potential to lead to technological breakthroughs and advancements in various fields, including energy generation, transmission, and storage.
Currently, we lack the necessary funding.
Adequate financing ensures we can hire dedicated professionals, maintain state-of-the-art equipment, conduct extensive data analysis, and ultimately pursue a robust and comprehensive exploration of these phenomena. Without this funding, our capacity to contribute meaningful insights and further our understanding of these events is severely limited.
Therefore, we appeal to you to assist us in expanding our membership base, attracting donors, and securing crucial funding. Your support, whether by joining us, spreading the word, or contributing financially, can significantly aid us in advancing our research and understanding of these intriguing phenomena. Every effort counts and can make a big difference in our collective quest for knowledge.
It would be unfortunate to miss this opportunity solely because the phenomena occasionally suggest the presence of a craft, a UFO, or, if you prefer, an Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon (UAP).

The crafts

It is strange how human observations are considered not reliable.
Humans can indeed be prone to error, often jumping to conclusions, perceiving patterns where none exist, making mistakes, or even occasionally being dishonest.
When witness accounts remain consistent over more than 40 years, it's understandable that they may feel frustrated and disrespected if their testimonies are dismissed as lies or the ramblings of lunatics.
Observations made by individuals have been meticulously documented on the Hessdalen site since 1996. Whether they were conducted years ago or more recently, any new findings are consistently relayed to the members of Project Hessdalen during our conversations with residents of the valley.
A refreshing aspect of Hessdalen is its insulation from conspiracy theories or disinformation campaigns. Any covert programs from the US would be unknown here, ensuring the local narratives and accounts remain untarnished and genuine.
We also aim to validate the accounts from local residents about witnessing unconventional vehicles in the valley. This suggests we might be confronting more than mere natural occurrences.
Check out the observations on the old.hessdalen.org site.
We want to take many high quality pictures and videos of these crafts!
If we can prove beyond any doubt that these crafts are under the control of non-human intelligence, it has the potential to radically transform our perspective of the universe and our place in it.
Imagine if you could personally witness these crafts.
While the Blue Box currently operates three live-stream cameras (temporarily out of order), the odds of capturing one of the approximately 20 annual events remain slim.
Here's our plan to improve that:
We aim to install all-sky cameras with triangulation abilities to pinpoint the phenomena, subsequently utilizing a pan-tilt-zoom camera to secure a detailed view. Ideally, we would have multiple automated surveillance systems in operation.
We also plan to deploy high-speed automated drones designed to approach the phenomena as closely as possible.
All these components could be automated and activated by AI. Whenever the system triggers an alarm, notifications would be sent to members of Project Hessdalen. This way, we can collectively witness the real-time images of the phenomena - and hopefully one day, the crafts.
Join us in our quest!